Thursday, July 8, 2010

sort of in love with life

today was just one of those days where things just sort of clicked.

it wasn't a perfect day. it was hot and I ran into things and had to work and was tired. however, overall I cannot complain about a single part of my day/life.

its a constant battle and I have to remind myself daily that I have so many things to be proud of, to appreciate, to jump for joy about and to relish in.

the people in my life whether I see them everyday, like my glorious family or every other day like some of my amazing friends or if they pop back into my life every so often are THEE greatest creatures in the world and I thank my lucky stars that I have encountered them before I leave this earth.

im blessed, so very blessed.

also, things that make life worth living:

night swimming
being scared, like of the dark and zombies
tank tops on boys
washing your hear with body wash(that smells AMAZING) when you run out of shampoo.
facebook (you know its true)
fuschia nail polish
being tan
holding hands with friends
brushing your teeth

today, everything is just groovy.

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